
Plain-brown Woodcreeper - Dendrocincla fuliginosa

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Plain-brown Woodcreeper - Dendrocincla fuliginosa
 NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista

To bad it was quite dark so the shots is not so great.
About  Plain-brown Woodcreeper on wiki
Youtube video, this video is soo cool, the bird has a train of ants running between it´s feet. Never seen anything like that before.


Wild Bird Wednesday
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Thick-billed Seed Finch - Oryzoborus funereus

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Thick-billed Seed Finch, male - Oryzoborus funereus
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista

About Thick-billed Seed Finch on Birdforum
I hope I got this one right. It can be mistaken for Variable Seedeater  :)
on youtube

Bird D´Pot 
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Black-cheeked Woodpecker - Melanerpes pucherani

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Black-cheeked Woodpecker, male - Melanerpes pucherani
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista

I CostaRica har de bananer på matningarna. Här en snygg Black.cheeked Woodpecker. 
 A beautiful male eating bananas in CostaRica

 NF Winged 61
More about Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Tawny-chested Flycatcher - Aphanotriccus capitalis

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Tawny-chested Flycatcher / Salvin's Flycatcher- Aphanotriccus capitalis 
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista

About Tawny-chested Flycatcher on wiki
on youtube

Another new one from the morning session. :)

Bird D´Pot
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.

Collared Araçari - Pteroglossus torquatus - tucancillo collarejo o arasarí acollarado

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Collared Araçari - Pteroglossus torquatus - tucancillo collarejo o arasarí acollarado
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista, Costa Rica

One of the cooelst birds in CostaRica. :)
on youtube

More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Slaty Finch - Haplospiza rustica

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Slaty Finch - Haplospiza rustica
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista

This one also captured on the early morning session. The only ID I can get it to be is the Slaty Finch female. So that is what it will be until I learn otherwise.

About  Slaty Finch on wiki
 A male  Video on IBC

Wild Bird Wednesday 14
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Red-throated Ant-Tanager - Habia fuscicauda

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Red-throated Ant-Tanager, male - Habia fuscicauda
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista
At 6 o´clock in the morning we were up looking for them. The lodge had a feedingplace and a lamp too. At this early hour it was much needed. This is a male.
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


White-Breasted wood-wren - Henicorhina leucosticta

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White-Breasted wood-wren - Henicorhina leucosticta
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista at 6.10h in the morning. Lamp light.
This was a little bird hard to catch. We went up in the middle of the night to see it. And had a little help with a lamp and a feeding place in the forest. Of course provided by the lodge. Mostly found in mature wet forest like the one we were in. High altitude rain forest of CR.
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Black-headed Saltator - Saltator atriceps

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Black-headed Saltator - Saltator atriceps
NF Photo 110210 Rancho Naturalista

Bird D´Pot 
More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.


Grey-headed Chachalaca - Ortalis cinereiceps

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NF Photo 110209 Rancho Naturalista
Grey-headed Chachalaca - Ortalis cinereiceps
This was a bird that was not easy to spot even if they were right in front of you. They had to be moving for you to really notice them.  :)

More of Costa Rica on my Travel blog and Photoblog To find links to info and video see the first entry for each bird species. Search for the birds with Etikettes below or labels - tags on the blogs footer area.